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Hi there, I'm

Sanberk Türker

< Frontend Developer />

Contact Me

About Me

Hi, I'm a Front End Developer who is motivated by the passion for learning new things and strive to outdo myself. The more problems I encounter, the more ambitious I get to solve them. That's why I like tough challenges I might fail in, as failure is the best way to learn and overcome something.

When I was first introduced to Front End Development in 2021, I immediately knew this was the path I wanted to dedicate my time and effort into, as this was the perfect combination of my logical and creative sides. And combination of both is my shortcut to happiness.

I'm interested in working on creative and ambitious projects that are accessible to anyone.

I have experience with...




Top Projects

Stack Organizer

A helpful web application that lets developers organize their Stack Overflow questions.

Stack Organizer Front Page

Real Store

E-commerce store made with Next.js, Redux, Tailwind, TypeScript and Fake Store API.

Real Store Front Page

Old Projects

Fakest Store


E-Commerce store made as a study, amateur version of Real Store

Cryptocurrency tracker web application made as a test case

Snake 2077


Cyberpunk themed snake game with interesting game mechanics. Made for hackathon

Contact Me